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The 2018 State of Play Report

25th September 2017

Kevin Hearn

Director of Strategy

Download your copy of the Editions Financial 2018 State of Play US Report or UK Report  and measure your content marketing efforts against global benchmarks.

According to the results of our 2018 State of Play benchmarking survey – now in its fourth year – 44% of financial services organisations struggle with producing content that is sufficiently engaging. Are you one of them?

Download the 2018 State of Play US Report or UK Report now and read how you can:

  • Put the ‘marketing’ back into content marketing
  • Give your customers what they want, not what you think they want
  • Offer customers a complete, defined content journey
  • Support your sales teams with content
  • Research and upskill in marketing technology



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Interested in getting to grips with building loyalty and supporting customers? If you want support with content that can improve customer loyalty and financial wellbeing, get in touch today.

About the author

Kevin Hearn

Director of Strategy

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