Category Archives: Analysis
How top asset managers drive LinkedIn engagement
LinkedIn is a primary channel for Asset Managers to connect with current and potential clients.
The top 10 asset management firms in the world have millions of LinkedIn followers between them. Importantly, Editions Financial research shows that the top brands are successfully seeing double-digit annual growth in their audiences on this platform and earning thousands of engagements.
Seven social media benchmarks FS brands can’t ignore
How does your financial services brand match up to others on social media and what main benchmarks should you be focusing on?
Should data drive your content marketing strategy?
It’s time for content marketing to prove its worth, but how? Does accountability beat creativity, or is data just a four-letter word?
The 2018 State of Play Report
To bank or non-bank – that is the question
Does the post-financial crisis rise of non-bank providers give traditional institutions cause for concern? We examine the emerging trends.